The Foundations of Mindfulness: Donate Now

The Foundations of Mindfulness with Ven. Bhikkhu Anālayo

A note on dana (generosity): Most IMS teachers–like insight teachers around the world–rely on the generosity of students for their livelihood. Ven. Anālayo and the guest teachers have waived royalty payments and student donations. The assistant teachers, however, who supported this program and answered questions in the forums, have not been compensated. Your generosity provides the crucial donations that allow them to sustain themselves and their work.

  • Minimum donation is $5 and maximum is $10,000.
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  • The Insight Meditation Society is a private, non-profit 501c(3) charitable organization. Your gift is fully tax-deductible to the extent provided by law and will be acknowledged with a tax receipt as a record of your donation. Email or call 978-355-4378 ext. 230 for more information.