Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance

Share the benefits of retreat life

One of IMS’s deepest aspirations is to share the Buddha’s teachings with all who are interested, regardless of ability to pay.

Help offer retreat time to those who cannot afford the entire cost. Thanks to your generous donations, IMS is able to commit substantial financial aid each year to about one third of our retreatants, so that the benefits of retreat life are available to all.

You can contribute to four primary financial assistance funds:

  • Retreat Center scholarships – support retreatants at IMS’s main Retreat Center
  • Forest Refuge scholarships – support retreatants at the Forest Refuge, our center for longer-term practice
  • Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) scholarships – support BIPOC retreatants
  • Young Adult scholarships – support retreatants aged 18-32

If you have questions, please call 978-355-4378 ext. 230 or email

Donate to Scholarships

Generosity’s aim is twofold: we give to free others, and we give to free ourselves.

Sharon Salzberg