Online Sanghas

BIPOC Sangha

A bi-weekly gathering open to all self-identified BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) only.

The Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Sangha is a weekly gathering of self-identified BIPOC practitioners who meditate together and explore the teachings of the Buddha in the light of personal experience.

Sessions include a short Dharma talk, guided meditation, and/or a silent sit for 30-40 minutes. Some gatherings add a 10-15 minute question and response period to support your practice.

Meets every other Monday from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm ET


Insight Recovery Sangha

A monthly gathering for anyone (self-identified) who is working with strong cravings or addictions.

The Insight Recovery Sangha is a monthly gathering of self-identified people in recovery to meditate, hear short dharma talks related to Buddhist teachings and recovery, and share candidly with each other in community. The purpose of this group is to foster community and learn how to apply teachings on mindfulness, compassion, and wisdom to our recovery program.

The emphasis will be on how craving causes suffering and how cultivating insight into the nature of craving can greatly ease our suffering, and help us lead more peaceful and contented lives. We have no affiliations with any other organizations and this is not a 12-Step group, although various known addiction recovery modalities may be referred to from time to time.

This group is open to everyone. There is no need to qualify for membership when you introduce yourself to the group. However, we do believe this group will work best for those committed to a life free from substance abuse and harmful addictive behaviors.

Meets one Thursday a month from 6:30 – 8:00 pm ET


Metta Sangha

A bi-weekly gathering open to anyone who wants to practice with the Buddha’s teaching of loving-kindness.

The Buddha spoke about the powerful potential we have to shape the people we become: “Whatever you frequently think and ponder upon, that will become the inclination of your mind.” Metta or lovingkindness meditation is a beautiful training that gives us an ability to naturally incline our minds, speech, and action towards kindness and goodwill.

Join us as we practice lovingkindness together as a way to explore compassion, the power of love, joy in the happiness of others, and balance of mind experienced as equanimity. This practice is not a replacement for other actions we undertake as we try to make this a better world; it’s an affirmation of the forces that strengthen and empower us to keep doing whatever we can in the face of challenge and adversity.

Meets every other Tuesday from 7:00 – 8:00 pm ET.


Monday Night Meditation

A weekly gathering open to anyone who wants to practice insight meditation in community.

Through practicing mindfulness and meditation we can access our inherent stillness and expansiveness that allow us to hold the dynamic complexities of this precious human experience. Sitting together, we are able to support each other’s practice and the personal intentions that inspire us to bring this inner peace  into our awareness so that we can access it in our everyday lives.

Each week, the teacher will offer a topic for discussion, meditation guidance, and the opportunity to sit together in stillness.

This program will be recorded and made available for on-demand viewing after the live session. On-demand videos will be available to registered participants for 90 days.

Meets every Monday from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm ET


Nature Sangha

A monthly gathering open to anyone inspired by and drawn to practicing in and with the natural world.

Thai Forest Meditation teacher Ajahn Chah said, “If you know nature, you’ll know Dhamma. If you know Dhamma, you’ll know nature.” Deepening our relationship with the natural world can support our knowing more intimately Nature as teacher, refuge and path. Join us as we will explore monthly themes that include nature as Dhamma, practicing in nature, ecological activism, climate grief and more.

Sessions may include guided meditation, talk, Dharma discussion and opportunities for Q&A.


Indigenous Insight Sangha

This sangha is currently inactive but we are working to develop programming for this community. Please stay tuned for more.  In the meantime, we hope you will find it supportive to find other programming with our Indigenous teachers.

Jeanne Corrigal
Roxanne Dault
Bonnie Duran


This sangha is currently in development. Please stay tuned for more. In the meantime, we hope you will find it supportive to find other programming with our LGBTQIA+ teachers.

Pascal Auclair
bruni dávila
Anushka Fernandopulle
Shelly Graf