Reading List

Guy Armstrong
Emptiness: A Practical Guide for Meditators

James Baraz
Awakening Joy: 10 Steps That Will Put You on the Road to Real Happiness

Sylvia Boorstein
That’s Funny, You Don’t Look Buddhist
It’s Easier Than You Think
Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There
Pay Attention for Goodness Sake
Happiness Is an Inside Job: Practicing for a Joyful Life

Sandy Boucher
Dancing in the Dharma: The Life and Teachings of Ruth Denison

Bhante Buddharakitta
Drop by Drop

Tara Brach
Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life with the Heart of a Buddha

Robert Burbea
Seeing That Frees

Mark Coleman
Awake in the Wild: Mindfulness in Nature as a Path of Self-Discovery
Make Peace with Your Mind: How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Your Inner Critic

Howard Cohn
Invitation to Meditation: How to Find Peace Wherever You Are

Christina Feldman
Woman Awake
The Quest of the Warrior Woman
Soul Food (Stories of the Spirit, Stories of the Heart) (with Jack Kornfield)
Principles of Meditation
The Buddhist Path to Simplicity
Heart of Wisdom, Mind of Calm
The Way of Meditation

Joseph Goldstein
A Heart Full of Peace
Abiding in Mindfulness, Volume I: The Body (audio)
Abiding in Mindfulness, Volume II: On Feeling, the Mind & Dhamma (audio)
Abiding in Mindfulness, Volume III: On Dhamma (audio)
Insight Meditation: The Practice of Freedom
Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening
Mindfulness: Six Guided Practices for Awakening (audio)
Seeking the Heart of Wisdom (with Jack Kornfield)
The Experience of Insight
One Dharma: The Emerging Western Buddhism
Insight Meditation Correspondence Course (audio, with Sharon Salzberg)
Insight Meditation: A Step-by-Step Course on How to Meditate (audio, with Sharon Salzberg)

Bhante Gunaratana
Beyond Mindfulness in Plain English
Mindfulness in Plain English
Eight Mindful Steps to Happiness
Journey to Mindfulness: The Autobiography of Bhante G.

Mirka Knaster
Living This Life Fully: Stories and Teachings of Munindra

Kittisaro and Thanissara
Listening to the Heart: A Contemplative Journey to Engaged Buddhism

Jack Kornfield
A Wise Heart
A Path with Heart
Living Dharma
After the Ecstasy, the Laundry
Meditation for Beginners
The Art of Forgiveness, Lovingkindness, and Peace
Seeking the Heart of Wisdom (with Joseph Goldstein)
A Still Forest Pool (with Paul Breiter, ed.)
Soul Food (Stories of the Spirit, Stories of the Heart) (with Christina Feldman)
Teachings of the Buddha (ed. with Gil Fronsdal)
Buddha’s Little Instruction Book

Larry Rosenberg
Breath by Breath
Living in the Light of Death
Three Steps to Awakening: A Practice for Bringing Mindfulness to Life

Mahasi Sayadaw
Manual of Insight

Sharon Salzberg
Finding Your Way: Meditations, Thoughts, and Wisdom for Living an Authentic Life
Real Life: The Journey from Isolation to Openness and Freedom
Real Love: The Art of Mindful Connection
Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation
Real Happiness at Work
The Kindness Handbook: A Practical Companion
Unplug: An Interactive Kit
Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness
Love Your Enemies (with Robert Thurman)
A Heart as Wide as the World
Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience
The Force of Kindness
Voices of Insight (ed.)
Insight Meditation Correspondence Course (audio, with Joseph Goldstein)
Insight Meditation: A Step-by-Step Course on How to Meditate (audio, with Joseph Goldstein)

Amy Schmidt
Dipa Ma: The Life and Legacy of a Buddhist Master

Rodney Smith
Touching the Infinite: A New Perspective on the Buddha’s Four Foundations of Mindfulness
Awakening: A Paradigm Shift of the Heart
Lessons From the Dying
Stepping Out Of Self-Deception: The Buddha’s Liberating Teaching of No-Self

Oren Jay Sofer
Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication

Ajahn Sucitto
Turning the Wheel of Truth: Commentary on the Buddha’s First Teaching

Sayadaw U Pandita
In This Very Life: The Liberation Teachings of the Buddha
The State of Mind Called Beautiful

Time to Stand Up: An Engaged Buddhist Manifesto for Our Earth
The Heart Of The Bitter Almond Hedge Sutra

Ashin U Tejaniya
Dhamma Everywhere

Titles by topic

The Experience of Insight
Joseph Goldstein

The Four Foundations of Mindfulness
U Silananda

The Heart of Buddhist Meditation
Nyanaponika Thera

In This Very Life: The Liberation Teachings of the Buddha
Sayadaw U Pandita

Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness
Sharon Salzberg

Mindfulness in Plain English
Bhante Gunaratana

Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation
Sharon Salzberg

Mahasi Sayadaw
Manual of Insight

The Buddhist Religion
Robinson & Johnson

The Foundations of Buddhism
Rupert Gethin

The Heart of the Buddha’s Teachings
Thich Nhat Hanh

The Story of Buddhism
Donald Lopez

Being Dharma: The Essence of the Buddha’s Teachings
Ajahn Chah

Being Nobody, Going Nowhere
Ayya Khema

The Buddha and His Teaching
Narada Thera

A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma
Bhikkhu Bodhi, ed.

Heartwood of the Bodhi Tree
Buddhadasa Bhikkhu

The Noble Eightfold Path
Bhikkhu Bodhi

The Path of Purification (Visuddhi Magga)
Bhikkhu Nanamoli, tr.

The Path to Deliverance

Theravada Buddhism
Richard Gombrich

The Vision of Dhamma
Nyanaponika Thera

What the Buddha Taught
Walpola Rahula

Wheel of Dhamma
Mahasi Sayadaw

Wings to Awakening
Thanissaro Bhikkhu

Anguttara Nikaya: An Anthology
Nyanaponika Thera, tr.

The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: A New Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya
Bhikkhu Bodhi

The Dhammapada
Ananda Maitreya

The Dhammapada
Narada Thera, tr.

The Dhammapada
Gil Fronsdal, tr.

The Dhammapada
Thanissaro Bhikkhu, tr.

Handful of Leaves
Thanissaro Bhikkhu, tr.

In the Buddha’s Words: An Anthology of Discourses form the Pali Canon
Bhikkhu Bodhi, ed.

The Long Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Digha Nikaya
Maurice Walshe

The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha: A New Translation of the Majjhima Nikaya
Bhikkhu Nanamoli & Bhikkhu Bodhi

Sellekha Sutta (& commentary)
Mahasi Sayadaw

Splendor of Enlightenment: A Life of the Buddha, 2 vols.
Phra Khantipalo

The Sutta Nipata
H. Saddhatissa, tr.

Word of the Buddha

Treasury of the Buddha’s Words, 3 vols.
Ven. Nyanamoli, tr., Phra Khantipalo, ed.

The Awakening of the West
Stephen Batchelor

Buddhism in America
Richard Hughes Seager

How the Swans Came to the Lake
Rick Fields

Full Catastrophe Living
Jon Kabat-Zinn

A Gradual Awakening
Stephen Levine

Wherever You Go, There You Are
Jon Kabat-Zinn

Dharma, Color, and Culture
Hilda Gutierrez Baldoquin, ed.

Dreaming Me
Janice Willis

Meeting Faith
Faith Adiele

Radical Dharma
Jasmine Syedullah, Ph.D., Lama Rod Owens, and angel Kyodo Williams

Each Breath A Smile
Thich Nhat Hanh

The Jataka Tales Series
Dharma Publishing

Moody Cow Meditates
Kerry Lee MacLean

Moody Cow Learns Compassion
Kerry Lee MacLean

Peaceful Piggy Meditation
Kerry Lee MacLean

Prince Siddhartha
Jonathan Landaw

A Treasury of Wise Action: Jataka Tales of Compassion & Wisdom
Yeshe De Project

Goodnight Love: A Bedtime Meditation Story
Sumi Loundon Kim

Baby Buddhas
Lisa Desmond

Buddhism for Mothers
Sarah Napthali

Child’s Mind
Christopher Willard

Dharma Family Treasures
Sandy Eastoak, ed.

Everyday Blessings
Myla & Jon Kabat-Zinn

The Family Meditation Book
Kerry Lee MacLean

Karma Kids
Greg Holden

The Mindful Child
Susan Kaiser Greenland

Mindfulness for the Next Generation
Holly Rogers

Denise Roy

Planting Seeds
Thich Nhat Hanh

Teaching Meditation to Children
Fontana & Slack

Sitting Together: A Family-Centered Curriculum on Mindfulness, Meditation & Buddhist Teachings
Sumi Loundon Kim

Blue Jean Buddha: Voices of Young Buddhists
Sumi Loundon, ed.

Buddha in Your Backpack
Franz Metcalf

The Buddha’s Apprentices
Sumi Loundon

Just Say Om
Soren Gordhamer

Pure Heart, Enlightened Mind
Maura O’Halloran

Wide Awake: A Buddhist Guide for Teens
Diana Winston

Buddhist Peacework
David Chappell, ed.

Dharma Rain
Kenneth Kraft & Stephanie Kaza, eds.

Engaged Buddhism in the West
Chris Queen, ed.

Peace is Every Step
Thich Nhat Hanh

Buddhism After Patriarchy
Rita Gross

The First Buddhist Women
Susan Murcott, tr.

Meeting the Great Bliss Queen
Anne C. Klein

Women’s Buddhism, Buddhism’s Women
Ellison Findly, ed.

The Good Heart
His Holiness the Dalai Lama

The Jew in the Lotus
Rodger Kamenetz

Living Buddha, Living Christ
Thich Nhat Hanh

Mind in the Balance: Meditation in Science, Buddhism and Christianity
B. Alan Wallace

Buddhist Practice on Western Ground: Reconciling Eastern Ideals & Western Psychology
Harvey Aronson

The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion: Freeing Yourself from Destructive Thoughts and Emotions
Christopher Germer

Mindfulness and Psychotherapy
Christopher Germer, Ronald Siegel and Paul Fulton (eds)

The Principles of Buddhist Psychology
David Kalupahana

Thoughts Without a Thinker
Mark Epstein

Coming to Our Senses: Healing Ourselves and the World Through Mindfulness
Jon Kabat-Zinn

Contemplative Science: Where Buddhism & Neuroscience Converge
B. Alan Wallace

Destructive Emotions
Daniel Goleman

Heal Thy Self: Lessons on Mindfulness in Medicine
Saki Santorelli

Healing Emotions
Daniel Goleman

The Joy of Living: Unlocking the Secret & Science of Happiness
Mingyur Rinpoche

The Mindful Brain
Daniel J. Siegel

The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion: Freeing Yourself From Destructive Thoughts and Emotions
Christopher Germer

The Mindful Way Through Depression: Freeing Yourself From Chronic Unhappiness
Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal, and Jon Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression
Zindel Segal, Mark Williams, and John Teasdale

Mindfulness and Psychotherapy
Christopher Germer, Ronald Siegel, and Paul Fulton (eds.)

Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain: How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Potential to Transform Ourselves
Sharon Begley

The Art of Happiness
His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Awakening Loving-kindness
Pema Chödrön

Buddhism Without Beliefs
Stephen Batchelor

Confession of a Buddhist Athiest
Stephen Batchelor

Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism
Chogyam Trungpa

Ethics for the New Millenium
His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Great Disciples of the Buddha
Nyanaponika Thera & Hellmuth Hecker

The Meditative Mind
Daniel Goleman

The Miracle of Mindfulness
Thich Nhat Hanh

One Robe, One Bowl
Ryokan (Stevens, tr.)

When Things Fall Apart
Pema Chödrön

The Wisdom of No Escape
Pema Chödrön

Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind
Suzuki Roshi